NGA modifies strategy for global requirements under GDS

06 September 2013
US: The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) has recently modified its strategy for global requirements under the GEOINT Data Services (GDS).
According to the revised plan, land use or land cover will not be acquired under a separate, global requirement solicitation. The NGA anticipates using the GDS Foundation GEOINT Content Management (FGCM) Regional Contracts to support this effort if requirements occur. Global Ortho Image Service will not be acquired under the GDS program. Global Ortho Image Service will be solicited in the future based on data from multiple imagery sources. A Global Products contract is planned for acquisition under the GDS program, to include NAVPLAN (Navigation Planning) and CADRG (Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphic)/ECRG (Enhanced Compressed Raster Graphic)/Geo-Referenced PDF product finishing. The NGA intends to issue a full and open competitive solicitation for a base and two option years for this effort.
Source: fbo.gov & http://geospatialworld.net

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