How the world looked 5,000 years ago!

This beautiful image is a copy of an ancient Egyptian panorama, known as the Hierakonpolis Tomb 100 mural. The mural was discovered by famous English Egyptologists F.W. Green and J.E. Quibell. While studying their drawings, Leon Flying Eagle & Mary Whispering Wind discovered that this ancient artwork is the world’s first map of the entire world. Eagle and Wind believed that the map was made by predynastic Egyptians over 5,000 years ago.

 The artwork allows us a peek into the most ancient form of cartography. Eagle and Wind called the mural the Tribes of the Earth World Map because they noted the various civilizations marked on the map. They believed that these civilizations are represented by the boats. The boat with the big prow represents Egypt. Eagle and Wind adjusted the darker background colour of the Tomb 100 mural to blue to emphasise the contrast between the land and the sea. The continents, oceans, inland seas, and even large lakes, mud flats, and straits were easy to identify.

source:  http://www.geospatialworld.net

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