Remote sensing among top 10 emerging technologies: Report

21 February 2013
US: Remote sensing technology has been selected as one of the ten most promising technologies in 2013 by the World Economic Forum.

The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies identifies the top 10 most promising technology trends that can help to deliver sustainable growth in decades to come as global population and material demands on the environment continue to grow rapidly. These are technologies that the Council considers have made development breakthroughs and are nearing large-scale deployment.

Remote sensing technology is included in the top ten emerging technologies identified by the World Economic Forum.

The report released by the World Economic Forum states, “The increasingly widespread use of sensors that allow often passive responses to external stimulae will continue to change the way we respond to the environment, particularly in the area of health. Examples include sensors that continually monitor bodily function – such as heart rate, blood oxygen and blood sugar levels – and, if necessary, trigger a medical response such as insulin provision. Advances rely on wireless communication between devices, low power-sensing technologies and, sometimes, active energy harvesting. Other examples include vehicle-to-vehicle sensing for improved safety on the road.”

Other emerging technologies listed by the Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies are OnLine Electric Vehicles (OLEV), 3-D printing, self-healing materials, energy efficient water purification, CO2 conversion and use, enhanced nutrition to drive health at the molecular level, nano-designed effective drug delivery, organic electronics and photovoltaics, and 3rd and 4th generation nuclear reactors and waste recycling.

Source: World Economic Forum, http://www.geospatialworld.net

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