Space for Earth, and for its Security and Defence

Since it was first established, CNES has been driving and implementing
France’s space strategy for defence, through the provision
of increasingly advanced technologies and satellites. Today it also
provides this service for Europe.
As critical tools for collecting and analysing vast quantities of hitherto
inaccessible data, satellites help us gain a better understanding of our
environment. In an ever-more complex world, where interdependence
and the scarcity of certain resources may lead to tensions, satellites
meet the needs of both civil and military policymakers and enable the
latter to take effective, informed decisions. Providing for intelligence
gathering, telecommunications, surveillance at a global level and in
all weather conditions, not to mention independent access to space;
these are the main security and defence challenges.
What is the world’s current status from a geostrategic point of view?
Which satellites participate in national and European defence and
security policy, and what role do they play? How is mastery of space
crucial to a sovereign Europe? You can find the answers to these
questions in the pages of this booklet: http://www.cnes.fr/automne_modules_files/pPublications/public/r3238_37_intercnesan.pdf

source: CNES

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