U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1796
By William M. Forney , Ronald P. Raunikar, Richard L. Bernknopf, and Shruti K. Mishra
Does remote-sensing information provide economic benefits to society,
and can a value be assigned to those benefits? Can resource management
and policy decisions be better informed by coupling past and present
Earth observations with groundwater nitrate measurements? Using an
integrated assessment approach, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
applied an established conceptual framework to answer these questions,
as well as to estimate the value of information (VOI) for remote-sensing
imagery. The approach uses moderate-resolution land-imagery (MRLI) data
from the Landsat and Advanced Wide Field Sensor satellites that has
been classified by the National Agricultural Statistics Service into the
Cropland Data Layer (CDL). Within the constraint of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s public health threshold for potable
groundwater resources, the USGS modeled the relation between a
population of the CDL’s land uses and dynamic nitrate (NO3-)
contamination of aquifers in a case study region in northeastern Iowa.
Employing various multiscaled, multitemporal geospatial datasets with MRLI to maximize the value of agricultural production, the approach develops and uses multiple environmental science models to address dynamic nitrogen loading and transport at specified distances from specific sites (wells) and at landscape scales (for example, across 35 counties and two aquifers). In addition to the ecosystem service of potable groundwater, this effort focuses on the use of MRLI for the management of the major land uses in the study region—the production of corn and soybeans, which can impact groundwater quality. Derived methods and results include (1) economic and dynamic nitrate-pollution models, (2) probabilities of the survival of groundwater, and (3) a VOI for remote sensing. For the northeastern Iowa study region, the marginal benefit of the MRLI VOI (in 2010 dollars) is $858 million ± $197 million annualized, which corresponds to a net present value of $38.1 billion ± $8.8 billion for that flow of benefits in perpetuity. Given that these economic estimates are derived from one case study in a part of only one State, the estimates provide a lower estimate related to the potential value of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission.
available for download here: http://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/1796/
source: usgs.gov
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