Space agency boosts Earth observation, launches new satellite mosaic of South Africa

05 July 2013

The South African National Space Agency (SANSA) has increased its Earth observation (EO) budget this year to R70-million. "This is a 13% increase on last year's expenditure," reports SANSA CEO Dr Sandile Malinga. "The biggest [part of this] spend goes to data acquisition - about R30-million, for imagery from [French EO satellite] Spot and [US EO satellite] Landsat and other global satellites and then to improve our systems and turnaround times, so as to improve our service to our customers."

The agency is also investing in improving its catalogue access system. It holds data going back as far as 1972. "It's a wealth of information," he highlights. "We continually have to migrate this data from one medium to another. This data migration, or archive migration, involves significant expenditure."

Another activity that Sansa is pursuing and which falls under EO is the creation of what is called base information. Base information provides the foundation for the development of comparative indices allowing satellite data to be used to track changes in environments, whether natural or the result of human activity. For example, vegetation indices and urban development indices.

Source: Engineering News , http://news.eoportal.org

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