China launches new remote-sensing satellite

Taiyuan, China (XNA) May 14, 2012

illustration only
China successfully launched the remote-sensing satellite Yaogan XIIII Thursday from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in the northern province of Shanxi, according to a press release from the center.
The satellite was carried into space aboard a Long March 4B carrier rocket which blasted off at 3:06 p.m. Beijing time, according to the center.
The satellite will be used to conduct scientific experiments, carry out surveys on land resources, monitor crop yields and help with natural disaster-reduction and prevention.
The Long March 4B carrier rocket was produced by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. Thursday's launch is the 162nd mission of Long-March-series carrier rockets.
Along with Yaogan XIIII, a tiny satellite named Tiantuo I was also sent into orbit during the flight.
The satellite, weighing only 9.3 kg, will be mainly used for data reception for the satellite-based vessel Automatic Identification System, optical imaging and various space exploration experiments in orbit.
Source: Xinhua News Agency, http://www.spacedaily.com

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