Remote sensing system for water conservatio

Publish Date: 03 August 2010
Spain: The team of Vincent Caselles, professor at the University of Valencia, has developed a remote sensing system for water conservation. Vincent expects that it would save 50% of the global irrigation water. For such innovative work, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has awarded the Norbert Gerbier-Mumm International 2010 award to Vincent. The award distinguishes the best scientific article influential in Meteorology.

Until now, estimates had agro-meteorological data whose validity is limited to the local level, a few square kilometres. The good thing about the new method is that it allows a global scale. The system operates from satellite imagery and a physical model that can determine the ground water per day lost through transpiration.

Farmers can avail this method through the website of the research group, which is currently under development.

Vicente Caselles born in Gata de Gorgos (Alicante). He studied Physics at the University of Valencia, specialising in Theoretical Physics, held a PhD in Remote Sensing. He is Director of Thermal Remote Sensing Group at the University of Valencia.

Source: ECOticias.com

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