Declassification of Intelligence Satellite Imagery Stalled

The eagerly awaited declassification of vast amounts of historical intelligence satellite imagery that was supposed to occur this year did not take place, and it is unknown when or if it might go forward.
Earlier this year, government officials had all but promised that the declassification and release of miles of satellite imagery film was imminent.
“The NGA [National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency] is anticipating the potential declassification of significant amounts of film-based imagery… in 2011,” the Agency stated in a solicitation that was published in Federal Business Opportunities on February 14, 2011.  (“Large Release of Intelligence Imagery Foreseen,” Secrecy News, February 28, 2011).
“Almost all” of the historical intelligence imagery from the KH-9 satellite (1971-1986) should be declassified within a few months, said Douglas G. Richards of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff at an August 23, 2011 public forum of the National Declassification Center.
But it didn’t happen.  Why not?
“I have no additional information to provide you concerning the status of this declassification effort,” said Mr. Richards by email this week.  “The Joint Staff completed its participation with the action a few months ago, consequently, I don’t know its current status.  Recommend contacting NGA for additional information.”
An NGA spokesman said that the Agency is still weighing the issue and that it will eventually make a recommendation to the Director of National Intelligence on how to proceed.  But it has not yet done so, and there is no particular deadline for it to reach a conclusion on the issue.
“The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) has requested that NGA review the KH-8 GAMBIT and KH-9 HEXAGON imagery holdings for the purpose of making a recommendation to the DNI for possible declassification,” said NGA public release officer Paul R. Polk in a November 10 email message to Prof. Chris Simpson of American University.

Indra Leads Development And Provision Of The Ground Segment Of Satellite Paz

Madrid, Spain (SPX) Nov 29, 2011

The significance and the demanding nature of the PAZ programme's technology will prove the company's capacity to lead the most rigorous teledetection projects and will increase the company's competitiveness in other markets.

Indra will lead the development and supply of the whole ground segment of the Earth Observation satellite Paz. The contracts awarded to Indra by INTA, an organ of the Ministry of Defence, amount to 9M euros. The execution period of the project is 24 months and once delivered the segment will be ready to enter service.
The company will integrate all subsystems which will manage from the ground of what will be Spain's most complex satellite ever built. This project will help boost Indra's possibilities for future similar projects in Europe or in the rest of the countries.
The ground segment will control the satellite and the radar sensor of Paz. Besides this, it will generate, validate, calibrate, store and disseminate the rendered images. Indra will integrate all the systems to be installed at INTA, Torrejon and Maspalomas and at the Defence Data Center located at the Aerospace Observation Systems Centre (CESAEROB), Torrejon air base.
In addition to this, the company will be in charge of the management,system engineering, validation and verification of the ground system for the success of the mission. It will also deliver training so that operators can get familiar with the technology.